
  1. Parenting Conference
  2. Motherhood Dinner: From Mess to Rest
  3. Marriage Conference

Parenting Conference – Friday, September 27 – 6-9 pm

God designed fatherhood, motherhood, and the entire family unit, and his design is very good (Genesis 1:31). Although God’s design is good, parenting is hard. We are sinners, and life’s normal pressures further complicate fathering and mothering. Maybe you are in the thick of it and experiencing frustrations as a parent; or maybe you are experiencing a good season. Perhaps, you aspire to be a dad or mom in the future or you have graduated to the coveted status of “grandparent”. Wherever you are in your parenting journey, we’d like to invite you to our parenting conference on Friday, September 27 from 6-9 in our church fellowship hall.

Come and discover God’s design for parenting and a biblical understanding of discipline. Enjoy fellowship with new friends and good snacks. We hope to see you there.


Motherhood: From Mess to Rest – Friday, October, 11 – 6-8 pm

All moms aspire to be excellent moms but there is so much pressure. The instinct to nurture our children, protect them, and ensure that they live healthy lives can be crushing. Strangely, amid all this pressure, our world offers little support. When we feel like terrible moms, who can we turn to? When we feel like great moms, where can we celebrate? That’s where we want to step in. God can redeem every mothering journey and transform it into something incredibly glorious.

That is what we will be discussing at our first Motherhood Dinner on Friday, October 11 from 6-8. Come enjoy a free catered dinner, a great night of worship, warm conversation, rich coffee, and be refreshed in your mothering journey but the timeless truth that God works out incredible glory through the messiness of our motherhood. We will study God’s word together and hear an incredible story about God’s redemptive power. We’d love for you to join us on Friday, October 11 from 6-8.


For Better Marriage Conference

Each year in February, our church holds our “For Better” marriage conference. The event is a Friday night from 6-9 pm in our church fellowship hall. For more information about this event, please email More information will be posted in January.