Posted by on July 15, 2020

In response to Governor Newsom’s mandate on Monday, July 13, we cannot meet indoors for our weekly worship service. Therefore, please see the following info:

1. Starting THIS SUNDAY, we will be moving to our online, live streaming Sunday Worship Service (not prerecorded as we did in the first shutdown). Praise God for new equipment and the teamwork that happened these past few weeks to enable us to have LIVE service.

Visit our YouTube channel (ESBC Upland at or click “Watch Now” on our website: to join us at 11am on Sundays.

Prayer night and Sunday night Bible studies will continue on Zoom.

2. Moving ahead, we would like to consider meeting OUTSIDE in the future. We understand the heat and various concerns with this, so please take our SURVEY to help us plan well as we want to continue to meet in person if at all possible:


3. We are so blessed by God. WE are the church. We are called to reach our community and the nations with the message of the gospel. Continue to pray. Continue to serve. Continue to share the gospel. Continue to BE THE CHRUCH. We love you, church family. Reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or needs.

Posted in: 11th Street Blog