Anthony Ferguson is the lead pastor at 11th Street Baptist Church. Anthony is from Southern California, married to Kristen, and has a Ph.D. in Old Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught at Gateway Seminary and California Baptist University. They have two children, Asher and Lyla. Anthony loves to spend time with his family.
Allison grew up in a Christian family in El Monte. She has been with Eleventh Street Baptist Church since 2000. Allison enjoys coordinating special events for the youth and organizing the Bible Study programs vital for a healthy church. Every summer, she helps lead a summer mission trip to minister to a Navajo community in Arizona. Allison has a deep passion for children of all ages to know God personally. Allison has a BS in Mathematics, UC Irvine, 1994, Teaching Credential CSU Long Beach, 1996, and an MA in Christian Education, Southwestern Seminary, 1999. Allison and her husband, Ken, have a son, Benjamin. When she is not serving at church, she is busy with her son and the high school band.
Taylor is deeply devoted to the local church and is eager to serve alongside his wife, Brandy. He spent nine years at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Tucson, Arizona, serving as the worship and youth pastor. Relocating to Southern California in August 2023, they aimed to pursue higher education and reconnect Brandy with her family. Taylor is enrolled in the MDIV program at Gateway Seminary while working full-time in the student services department.
Akila served God’s kingdom through church administration, missions, and theological education. She loves to see God’s people working together for his mission. Her hobbies include eating ethnic food, serving others, and graphic design. A graduate of California Baptist University in Christian studies, Akila serves 11th Street as the Communications Director as well as discipling ladies in the church.
Carola Fernanda was born in South America and moved to the United States as a child. She grew up in the American South, where her parents served migrant workers. Her father’s interest in Gateway Seminary brought the family out West where they have lived since. Carola is a graduate of CBU and Gateway Seminary. She loves Jesus and culture. Carola currently serves as our administrative assistant.
Ian Miller was born in North Carolina and lived in a variety of locations as a child. He is a lover of all things sports, specifically baseball. While attending New Mexico State University Ian’s interests expanded to the nations and a few group trips to South Asia gave him a love for travel and interacting with other cultures. Now he partners with us as an Intern, helping 11th street become effective and intentional in communicating with other cultures across the globe. Though his focus is to work overseas Ian is always willing to help, wherever help is needed. You can find him serving in a variety of ways across our campus.
Christine was born and raised on the East Coast. With her B.S. in chemistry from Cedarville University, she has taught overseas and worked in public health in the US. Christine moved to Southern California to attend Gateway Seminary and study global engagement. As an intern, she serves the internationals at our church and coordinates our ESL ministry. Christine enjoys spending time in California’s mountains and beaches and will always crack a smile at a clever new pun.
Casado con Irma Paredes por 40 años, y juntos hemos servido a nuestro Dios hasta el día de hoy. Tenemos tres hijos David, juntamente con su esposa Anny sirven en la iglesia The Grove en Riverside. Jonathan, dirige la música y su esposa Iliana, está encargada de la proyección; y Abraham, con el sonido.
Para mí, la familia es lo más importante y como padres necesitamos la ayuda de Dios para ser ejemplo a nuestros hijos, no solo de palabra; sino, de hecho; Jesucristo dijo en Mateo 7:21 “No todo el que me dice: Señor, Señor, entrará en el reino de los cielos, sino el que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos”
Pastor David Gill became a Christian in his high school days in Seoul, Korea by an American Missionary. After graduating college, he immigrated to the US and received his M.Div and MACE at Golden Gate Seminary (now Gateway) and his D.Min from San Francisco Seminary (GTU). He planted a church in the San Francisco Bay Area pastored more than 30 years and taught at Gateway Seminary for many years. He and his wife Ann have two adult children: a son (John) and a daughter (Grace) and have five grandchildren.